Out of the metaphor of time standing still, out of the silencing of the movement of time, will come The New.

Mirari Review

Mary and Mari, together, in the holy joining of two as One, have shown us a way to transform what need never have been.

Mirari Review

by Michael Mark


Mirari: the Way of the Marys, is a dialogue between Mari Perron and Mary of Nazareth—the sharing of “two together,” in wholeness. It is an act of devotion.

Their sharing comes at a time when our Earth is in crisis. The context for this work’s release is a renewed awareness of bigotry and hatred in our country, a crisis of truth, a thriving pandemic, and the obvious destructiveness of the unchecked male ego. We are mired in what need not be, and the mother’s heart grieves for the suffering of every child, of every life and every form of Life, caught in this hell. But just as Mari witnesses the first light of day from the sacred retreat of her cabin, beneath a Minnesota sky “streaked with lines of pink and coral and fuchsia and mellow yellow,” so do we witness in this dialogue the nascent glow of transformation, the possibility of New Life.

Mary of Nazareth has lived through such times herself. She birthed the son of God in form—the Word made flesh—and she felt the quickening that engulfed her time. There were happenings, revelations, and simple, unplanned movements that shone in the light of prophecy. There was knowing. Elation and grief arrived together when Yeshua challenged convention and threw open the doors of history, and Mary knew, in her mother’s heart, that the men of her day would not let this stand.

This time is different, however. We are in a quickening of our own, and “What was not possible in my time is possible in yours,” Mary says.

What is possible is the merging of the masculine with the feminine, the end of needless suffering, the awakening of time itself and the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. It is in the imaginal realm—the space of pure potential between Heaven and Earth—where such realities are birthed, and it is we who are called by Mary to honor the feminine within by “lov[ing] into existence what Is.” As we carry in our hearts the wonder of creation and share “one-to-one” the truth of who we are, the reality of the New is made manifest. Even time itself, the “structure” in which we have so long existed, awakens with us. The entire universe responds to our creative call: to the twining of thought and feeling that alone can weave the strands of new life.

This transformation, Mari and Mary remind us, is the flowering of our humanity. We are not spirit alone, but flesh as well. We are beings of soul and memory, of touch and sorrow, of light and sound. The dialogue between these women is driven not by the exchange of information, but the intimate sharing of memories, feelings, and wonder.

It is the little things that ensoul our world: Mari as a child, home sick from school, listening to her mother move about the house; the blur of candlelight through tears and the ticking of a ceiling fan that mark her first encounter with Jesus in his sacred silence; and the scampering of squirrels that share the blessing of presence with Mari at dawn. Mary remembers the look Yeshua gave her across the room, his last communication with her before he died. Remembrance and forgetting alike are signifiers of Love’s presence. The yearnings that blow through us, the fleeting encounters that linger, the places known that cannot be quite recalled, all of these reveal the life of Love within us.

We were born in Love, after all. We are “the life of one omnipotent, omnipresent energy… who birthed creation out of Love.” And yet… suffering remains. It remains because suffering is healing, and healing is still required. Our movement from “the unconscious world” of all that need not have been, to the New, requires the “giving over of time to Love” and the emergence of the “Mother laws of care and nurture.” We yearn for this fulfillment even as we question how it will come, as Mari does—for she, too, is pained by what has been, and she, too, questions the way ahead. She confesses to Mary her difficulties with the present world’s demands, speaks of her broken heart, and tells of her challenges in being supported…

and known for who she is. This push-pull tug-of-war that shrouds love in pain, and trust with need, is present in all of us. It is the sensation of a passing age and there is no avoiding it. Here, in the little gap that remains between an Earth yet shackled by conventions, organizations and systems that do not truly support us, and the New that is being birthed, we suffer the healing that must come, and encounter the feelings of grief, compassion and wonder that alone can guide us to new life.

The power of feeling is that it cannot be manufactured—“[i]f it is not there, it is not there,” Mary says—and yet… how can it not be there? Feeling is the feminine power and sacred heart of God. The masculine aspect of God (thought) does not alone create, but must be joined with the feminine (feeling), and it is the release of these creative feelings to which Jesus and Mary have both called us, beginning with Jesus’ message in A Course of Love, and expanded here in Mary’s dialogue with Mari. These feelings are the true feelings of our heart, accessible following the ego’s demise and the reunion of mind and heart in wholeheartedness, and as Mari has long “known without knowing” and worked tirelessly to declare, these feelings are not to be formalized, made systematic, or organized. They are not to be compelled by the old, masculine ways of promotion and teaching, of shaping the landscape and structuring the conversation, for these will smother the newborn babe.

We turn instead to the way that Mary and Mari have birthed together in our time: the Way of Mirari, the way of the divine feminine, a way of wonder. As Mary says, “Mirari is the particular wonder of the unknown as it is made known to us. It is the bringing of what is beyond comprehension into an acceptance of wonder… as a way of knowing itself.” It is this that will save the Earth—the way that is not a way but the incarnation of the sacred within us. By sharing in form and time that which lives within us, beyond form and time, we birth the fruits of the imaginal upon this Earth and join with Heaven.

The power of manifestation, according to Mary—the real act of it—is devotion: heart and soul working together to fulfill destiny. Mirari: the Way of the Marys is an act of the devoted, and we are called to devotion by it. The path to new life before us comes without plan or choreography, without structure or organization. It requires only that we care, and that we let our caring draw us inward to the truth of our own heart—a truth that precedes us into the New. This truth is the seat of our being, the point where each of us meets God and God meets us, the miracle of the “One made Two” that lives uniquely in each one of us. What could we desire more than the manifestation of our heart’s true feelings? Have we not yearned and cried out for this? Have we not suffered and endured for this?

The fulfillment of our destiny—the destiny of all people, all beings, all Life—is possible in our time, not because it was impossible before, but because the shells of disunity and separation have cracked. Yeshua’s life and all who have followed in the Way of Jesus have brought us to the point where learning may be left behind, and creation through unity and relationship is truly possible. But to reveal and make manifest the New, the known must be transcended, and the old left behind, for it is not a conceptual heaven for which we hunger and thirst, but a Heaven born of the very mystery that lives within us. 

Mary and Mari, together, in the holy joining of two as One, have shown us a way to transform what need never have been. It is a way that cannot be taught or learned because it is the incarnation of who we are, each of us forever joined, yet birthed in our divine particularity. This is the way of a risen people, of content extended into form, of being itself resurrected. It is the way of dying into life, and indeed, it is a way of wonder.

by Pamela Laughing Waters

I was privileged recently to read an advance copy of Mirari: They Way of the Marys. I had been asked to do a read-through for some final editing and also to respond to the book as a whole.


I never expected it to be such a powerful experience! I was pulled in immediately with what Mari received back in 2013 (which she recounts in the beginning of this writing)—the image of the circle of women fiercely protecting the new babe in their midst, and the message that “the wild dogs are in position to take over the world. They would devour the babe, … the newly born…. The victimless Mother is rising, and you are to be among those risen… This is the not a gentle time coming but a time to be fierce… to protect the new babe being born so that it does not fall victim to carnage.” That this image was being resurrected in 2018 when Mari really sat down to engage in this dialogue with Mary struck me powerfully. And in 2020, as it is published, we really can see the effects of the “wild dog” (the unconscious) running unchecked.


Having read A Course of Love (published twenty years ago), with all of its references to the New that was coming in, I immediately recognized the link between the two texts. The New is being born, and we are called to welcome, embrace, protect and nurture it.


Some time after my reading of Mirari, I was introduced to another source which is also talking about the return of the divine feminine (and indeed, this is not a ‘new’ concept), and identifying the current time as a critical part of this massive shift in consciousness. I was struck with the amazing timing of both these messages coming forward at this time.

Mirari: The Way of the Marys is filled with such beauty and a deep call to participate in the creation of the New. It will bless all those who receive it with an open heart and are willing to be channels for this major shift in consciousness, which is occurring right now, before our very eyes.


The deepest blessing for me, however, was to be introduced to Mother Mary as a being who shares in all of our human experiences, for she was one of us. Growing up Catholic, the primary image I had of Mary was as Queen of Heaven, and that she certainly is. However, this was at the cost of seeing her as a human/divine Mother, indeed, the Mother of All.


Witnessing the intimate exchanges between Mother Mary and Mari allowed me to come to know Mary as MY mother. Soon after reading the book, I began to have direct exchanges with Mother Mary. Her messages to me echoed her messages to Mari, that we are ONE with her, that we share in her divinity as well as her humanity, and that the deeply feminine (not female) qualities of love and compassion are desperately needed to balance the masculine (not male) qualities of power that have been overpowering the feminine for so many centuries.


You will be challenged in these pages to examine all of your assumptions, as it demonstrates a way of relationship, of dialogue, that we will need to engage in if we are to give birth to, and welcome and nurture, the New. I invite the reader to join in this exciting journey. It will shift your consciousness and bring you into an alignment you may not yet have dreamed possible.

Mirari: The Way of the Marys Review

The New is being born, and we are called to welcome, embrace, protect and nurture it.